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The Light Side The Dark Side 12 Golden Keys Blog-Sphere Downloads

Survival eBook – "Open Your Third Eye, to see the Truth," she told him. "It'll change your life!" Read the New Age Sci-Fi eBook 'Universal Tides: Barbed Wire Blues' (Utides) to discover the secret knowledge of the ancients that if practiced, can change your life! Utides offers inspiration, the 12 Golden Keys, life-changing survivalist tools and a survival kit; plus info on the Mayan Prophecy and a FREE game.

Skip McCord definitely needed a change in his life. Joining the (r)evolution seemed like a fun gig! Until she opened his eyes to the real Truth. And then taught him something that really blew his mind!

Begin to live the new consciousness now!

Spiritual (R)evolution is the solution!
~ Sign-up for your FREE NEWSLETTER on becoming a Spiritual Warrior. When you join the 'Spiritual Warrior Guild' (SWG) you receive the Spiritual Warrior Codes, survival tips, ways to connect with other Outlanders, and more. Your life depends on YOU!

"I am turning 29 and have been on a spiritual quest for nine of those years. I have felt lost many times... I don't know how I came upon your website but I believe I was meant to. Over the last few weeks I have read Universal Tides (which by the way is now my favorite book) and practiced the 12 Golden Keys and never in the 9 years of seeking have I ever felt more connected to Soul Energy than I do now... Anyone who is a seeker needs this ebook. Thank you so much for your wonderful contribution to this world and I cannot wait for your new ebooks. Live 2 Live." - Nathaniel

"I have absolutely no problem receiving your just keep sending me your stuff... its awesome! It's about time people recognize how simple it is to just purify our thoughts and see marvelous changes in our lives." - Jason, Mumbai, India.

Shopping for gifts? Visit the Mystic Trunk Shop. Or email a PDF copy of the UTIDES/BWB eBook a wonderful gift to learn the 12 Golden Keys of enLIGHTenment and power.

Live to Live!


The Wonderful World of the Blue Star

Be prepared! - Discover 12 Keys & Important Survival Skills

Do you feel a major change is coming in the world but you don't know what it is? You can feel it – "What is it?" you ask. "Will I die?" What are these unusual changes you're feeling? It's like you're becoming overly sensitive or clairvoyant. Know this: You are not alone.

Blue Star


Learn how to follow the Blue Star for a whole new experience into the Otherworlds, meaning the inner planetary worlds, into your dream worlds and beyond. The characters literally step into another state of consciousness by using Twelve Golden Keys. They learn about out-of-body travel, the 2nd Sight, consciousness awakening, intuition, and receive survival Keys on how to become a Spiritual Warrior.

The storyline of 'Utides' has a Light Side and a Dark Side, the twin aspects of life. Everyone has two choices: we are either full of love or full of fear. The Lightside is about the Power of Love.

One of the characters states: 'The ancient Hindu mystics learned that certain vibrational tones, like HUUUE or OM for example, have a stimulating effect on the pineal gland, thereby opening and magnifying intuitive abilities. For instance, singing HU in a 'Mi' tonal frequency, no matter what the starting tone, as in Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Ti, will help to repair your DNA. The pineal contains the master codes of Soul and it receives the vibrational information, then tells your pituitary gland how the body is to react," he said, finally pleased. "It's like the entire planet and its occupants have been humming along at a certain pitch, and now that tone is about to be a higher frequency."' (p.251)

Here for the first time anywhere is the 2nd GOLDEN KEY:

'Follow the Blue Light! ~ To do this, close your eyes and focus gently on the inner light behind your eyes and you can travel to the Inner Worlds of spiritual essence. You will experience for yourself that you are an eternal Being. Why wait until you die to know the Otherworlds? 'Death' is walking through a gateway; it is a translation into a different realm: a spiritual plane of higher consciousness. The Ancients used a trilithon gateway in a megalithic temple to pass through to this plane. The Egyptians used the Third Eye. The Second Key uses the Blue Light or Blue Star as gateway. The Blue Light is Soul, or that which is the True Self. Soul is the most sacred part of each Being. Soul is that which you are behind your eyes. Soul is the Being who is watching you read this. Soul has free will and can perceive all things. Soul is a part of the Spiritual Energy known as the Light & Sound Energy. Ride the Blue Star into the inner planes of light and experience it for yourself!' ~ Try it! ~ (Universal Tides © M. J. Milne 2006)

Read Five Simple Steps to Download Your E-Book.

What's included in the Sci Fi book 'Universal Tides' plus the free e-zine newsletter:

• A great adventure story
• A downloadable game
• A way to join together as a planetary community
• Introduction to the 12 Golden Keys
• Survival Tips for life's chaotic earth changes
• A Resource Hub for valuable links on the Blog-Sphere, and much more.

DOWNLOAD this 'revolutionary' book and begin using the astonishing Twelve Golden Keys. Utides has been described as "the spiritual-survival book that wants to help heal the planet." Along with the 300-page E-Book, you will also receive the FREE GAME BOARD! - Read about the Game of 12 Golden Keys.


Join now! ~ Take action! ~ Fill-in the SIGN-UP form above to
join the Spiritual Warrior Guild. Your life depends on YOU!


In the Mind's Eye - Truth has No Secrets!

Lessons On Becoming A Dream Wizard & Spiritual Warrior

LESSON 1: Warriors, Wizards, & Knights all, your time has come to defend Truth as a Spiritual Warrior. The ancient Oath of a Knight was not about fighting. The oath was about non-aggression, the pursuit of justice, defence of the weak, loyalty, honour and truth. The following oath was translated from Medieval Latin and is found on the tomb of a knight of Malta in France, dated 1560 A.D. 'I do swear by the Eternal Power… to be both a true and chivalric Knight, to obey my Commanders and to aid my bretheren. I also swear by all that is holy and dear unto me, to aid those less fortunate than I, to relieve the distress of the world and to fulfill my knightly obligations. This oath do I give of my own free and independent will, so help me God!'

Taken from the book 'Universal Tides' the simple yet powerful CODE OF A SPIRITUAL WARRIOR in the Guild service is: "Help one another. By example, act, and deed each of us can make a difference."

Fill-in the Free Newsletter form to join the 'Spiritual Warrior Guild.' Your life depends on YOU - Live 2 Live!



Are You Ready To Make a Difference?

After you discover your bravery and SIGN-UP for tips on becoming a Spiritual Warrior, you will learn many ways to journey in the world. The Knights Templars began in the twelfth century and formed a code as a community of warrior monks. Their original function was to protect prilgrims.

In the book you will read about the power of mind and the transforming power of love, and by practicing the Keys, you can learn how to become a Spiritual Warrior and a Dream Wizard like the characters do. There's no secret to it, but any Wizard or Knight will tell you it takes due diligence.

12 Golden Keys

Using the 12 Golden Keys you can discover truths that may make a profound difference in your life. People of any faith and walk of life can use these techniques. There's no trick, except practice.

• Do you want to live your life the way you want, or continue to allow them to control you? See the First Key.

• Are you tired and discontented with your life? See the Fifth Key.

• Are you listening to your inherited planet that is screaming to tell you something before it's too late? See the Sixth Key.

• Does your body feel tired, unhealthy, fatigued, and weighted? See the Ninth Key.

• And the other demystifying Keys in the book 'Universal Tides.'



WATCH A VIDEO TESTIMONIAL - Listen to author Darlene Montgomery explain why she was fascinated by the story premise of Utides.

'I found it absolutely mesmerizing. As I was reading, I felt I was in some kind of a future life. It was fascinating...'
- Darlene Montgomery, author, Conscious Women, Conscious Lives

'Universal Tides' is very well written, is ever gripping...Good luck with this wonderful book.'
- Barbara Hand Clow, author, The Pleiadian Agenda

"MJM's book is a synthesis of many known and unknown principles of spiritual evolution that are coming to pass on our planet. This read is not for the faint of heart as many truths lie dormant in our subconscious and are awakened in the light of this novel. However, it is not without humor and compassion for the plight of humanity."
- Rae Armour, Singer/Songwriter, Next Move

'I read your e-book. Wow! With compelling characters and fast-paced action, Universal Tides transported me into a fictional future that reflects where we might be heading.'
- Jeane Manning, author, The Coming Energy Revolution.

'I think what you have created is great and I wish you lots of success with it.'
- Dacia Moss, Literary Agent, Lucas Talent, BC.

"I have absolutely no problem receiving your just keep sending me your stuff.... its awesome! It's about time people recognize how simple it is to just purify our thoughts and see marvelous changes in our lives."
- Jason, Mumbai, India (Spiritual Warrior Guild testimonial)

"I am turning 29 and have been on a spiritual quest for nine of those years. I have felt lost many times... I don't know how I came upon your website but I believe I was meant to. Over the last few weeks I have read Universal Tides (which by the way is now my favorite book) and practiced the 12 Golden Keys and never in the 9 years of seeking have I ever felt more connected to Soul Energy than I do now... Anyone who is a seeker needs this ebook. Thank you so much for your wonderful contribution to this world and I cannot wait for your new ebooks. Live 2 Live."
- Nathaniel F.

Part 1: 'You are putting so much love into what you are doing with the writing and the Spiritual Warriors. I look forward to seeing how (Spirit) takes all that incredible love and energy and uses it to help others. I know you mentioned about the youth, and I can see that kind of idea really taking off with the younger generation, and once it takes hold it could spread based on the viral effect - fast!! I really am enjoying getting the weekly emails. Just feel honored to be exposed to them.'
Part 2: 'Howdee, just off to bed and decided to peruse your website some more. I know I said it before, but you have done a really beautiful job of your site. Really enjoyed looking around and reading what you have to offer. Your writing style is very interesting and at the same time makes me feel part of a bigger team. It inspires the Soul! Thank you.'
- Leslie Punt, Okanagan Valley, BC; SOTA Instruments

'So like how much is truth in your book? I don't know, but it doesn't seem to matter to the story because I felt most things were true. I feel like an Outlander myself sometimes. I'm a street kid. I run to keep warm. I can't go home cuz of abusive stepdad. So I kept doing a few of the Keys you mention, and start to believe I can get a job. And I found one in a coffee shop. They're training me as a Barista boy. So thanks for your book. I go to the library to get my spiritual warrior emails, too.'
- The Italian Espresso Boy, Toronto

'Your site is amazing, slick, functional attractive and fun. Never seen anything like it actually.'
- Leslie Alexander, Singer/Songwriter,

'A Triumph!'
- Linda Kidder, Musician,

'Congratulations! Terrific!'
- Bonnie R., Vancouver, BC

'I loved your book! Although it's weird and wacky, and quite scary, I mean, really scary, I loved it. Especially your new spirituality. You see, my mother just died of a disease and our family was upset. But reading your book about the Soul Energy helped me sense my mother's presence around, and gave me a chance to say goodbye. I'm grateful for finding your book. Thanks.'
- Mary C. from MN, USA.

'I have absolutely no problem receiving your email (the Spiritual Warrior lessons), it goes directly into my Inbox, so just keep sending me your stuff -- its awesome! The greatest secret is to monitor every thought you have and govern it with intellect. Everything is based on the watertight Law of Cause & Effect. So all we have to do is co-create with a positive thought, action and deed. I give everything I want to receive - love, money, joy, and happiness - just about anything. It comes back to me multiplied. I have recently received a raise in salary, get free tickets to shows, have a lovely relationship with all at home, love my job and my BOSS. Yeah! Live to Live!'
- Jason Pinto


In the book 'Universal Tides: Barbed Wire Blues' (Utides) the ET's space ship is home to his earthly treasures, such as books, music, films, gadgets, and games, plus uplifting news & promotions, etc. It's like a Global Marketplace.

For Utides collectibles add to your MYSTIC TRUNK by either visiting the Ezines Page, or go shopping at the special Mystic Trunk Shop on CafePress!

What is a Global Marketplace?
It's about fair trade. We try to choose most products that are sold in a fair trade or fare trade partnership spirit. Or, we choose products that could benefit you in an uplifting way. Although this site is hyperlinked to certain products, we only provide the information as a service, so if you buy or use these products please do so at your own risk.

The Global Marketplace

This month's highlighted Global Marketplace:
BC Book of Visionaries: Are you committed to helping the planet through conscious living? A new book introduces leaders and innovators throughout British Columbia working in the fields of holistic health and wellness, conscientious commerce, environmental sustainability, community building, as well as arts and culture. See: Waking Up the West Coast: Healers and Visionaries (Note: Not a Fair Trade publication)

Help rebuild Nepal with Fair Trade – Help the people of the Kingdom of Nepal by buying their wonderful fair trade products, all proceeds go to supporting the disadvantaged women and children of Nepal. They can be reached in Canada at 403.313.4880. NGO Global Network

Moja! Moja! Welcome to the Children's Photographic Gallery of Kenya, a for-profit business that generates revenue for Kenyan orphanages. "Trade not aid." The photo-based products are made with art supplied by Kenyan orphans and sold in a fair trade partnership spirit.

Looking for "Green Dream Jobs" in sustainability? Search the website at:

Jane Siberry goes to self-determined pricing! Canadian music recording icon Jane Siberry is now selling her music by 'self-determined pricing' – you choose what you want to pay. Read more at:

- Light Side eNews -


In each weekly email you receive LESSONS ON BECOMING A SPIRITUAL WARRIOR - Invaluable information to develop your 2nd Sight and to learn the Spiritual Warrior Codes. It is a matter of your survival! Join now! ~ Take action! ~ SIGN-UP for the FREE weekly E-mails.

PLUS! You receive two eNews bulletins to keep an eye on:
  1. Keys of Light (Light Side) - All the latest news related to your InnerScape Survival, plus the latest holistic life-transforming tips for your personal upliftment.
  2. The Barbed Wire (Dark Side) - All the latest news related to your OuterScape Survival and planetary street smarts, direct from PPR Headquarters.
BUT THAT'S NOT ALL - You also get a Quarterly Edition with:

  • Free Survival Tips

  • Free Reports on the 12 Golden Keys™

  • True stories about people like you

  • Special Reports direct from PPR Headquarters

  • Plus, the latest E-Zines and Special Promotions.

  • Of course you may unsubscribe at any time (although I know you won't want to!) and your email address is completely private and secure. You have my personal promise that it will never be sold, lent, rented or abused in any way. And I mean it. Until then...

    Utides Logo

    Live to Live™


    Plus Free Monthly Ezine!
    Monthly News, Stories and Promotions
    Light Side Music Choices

    1) Into the Dreamin'
    Rae Armour (Written by Armour & MJM)

    2.) Are You Listening?
    by Beverley Elliott,


    1. Join LESSONS ON BECOMING A SPIRITUAL WARRIOR. Fill-in the SIGN-UP form above to join the Spiritual Warrior Guild. Your life depends on you!

    2. Go shopping at THE MYSTIC TRUNK SHOP on CafePress!

    3. ADD TO YOUR MYSTIC TRUNK by visiting the Ezines Page.

    4. Come together as a community. Go to the Outlander's Forum to speak up! Plus, current PPR News.

    Begin the Quest ~ The purpose of the E-Book 'Universal Tides: Barbed Wire Blues' is to help us remember our divine origin. Our true identity is Soul. Expressed in these pages are truths that will help open the doorway to the Otherworlds, aka "heaven." May you gradually come to remember your true identity as Soul, a spiritual being, a true child of the universe. The keys to a more meaningful life are at your fingertips!

    Live to Live!

    If you need to contact us:

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    Sell the 'Universal Tides' E-Book!
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    Image Credits


    • Lightside Poster & Utides Logo by Aisha Davidson.
    • Tideline photos by Anastasia
    • Book cover art by Kort Kramer,

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    - His Holiness the Dalai Lama
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